Last updated: 21 Jul 2023
Maximum Priority
- Forum
- Reorder favorites
- Trailers (additional from MAL)
- Show/hide media onList in Browse filter
High Priority
- Guest mode
- Offline mode
- Multi language
- Account creation date
- Show a show that's on both's PTW
- More detailed info (birthday, etc)
- Donator/Mod badge beside name
Medium Priority
- Compare score
- Widget for Calendar
- Review pop up
- Customise bottom bar
- Customise Home
- App shortcut
- Search history
- Search own's activity of a media
- New anime/manga in Home
Low Priority
- Write review
- Best friends
- Draft
- Play theme song with native player
- News
- Personalised recommendations
Minimum Priority
- Media stats show activity and score progression
- Scheduled post
Plans can be changed without any notice.