
There are 2 ways to import your products into Bersama POS:

  1. From CSV file.
  2. From GET request.

1. From CSV File

To import your products from CSV file. Simply download the CSV file provided below, fill in the rows properly, and import it from Products page in the app.

Download the sample CSV file here

Bersama POS will not be able to successfully import your products if the CSV file is not filled properly. Here are several important conventions to follow:

  1. Do not add new columns.
  2. Do not fill in the column outside the provided columns.
  3. Do not leave a cell empty. All cells must be filled. This includes not skipping a row.
  4. In case you have a field that you don't want to fill, fill it with hyphen ("-", without the quote).
  5. Generally just follow the sample CSV file above.

2. From GET Request

If you have your own server and database, it's possible to import your products by visitting your API endpoint from the app. To do that, go to Store Settings, fill in the URL and headers, and click Send.

The app will only read JSON format with the following specification. Make sure to setup your API endpoint to return JSON value following the specification below.

Additionally, it's possible to backup your products to your server by sending a POST request from the app. The app will send a JSON with following the specification below. You are free to do anything with the data sent from this app.

Important Notice

It's very important to know that by attempting to import products through the above methods, both CSV file or GET request, the data in the app will be COMPLETELY OVERRIDDEN. Please proceed with caution.